Friday, December 10, 2010

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

So hi people! so this is the fourth post of the ten notes in ten day. let's do it!

Day four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot

#1 how people get in love. yes, it cross my mind a lot. it's kinda confusing how can people in love with someone. where that come from?

#2 all the things are relative. nothing certain. what good for us maybe seems not by others. what we think is not always same with others, and nothing wrong with it. people have a different viewpoint.

#3 there is no wrong thing in fashion. fashion is where you can share all your creativity. what strange for us might be a trend for future.

#4 friend is way too deep than just call it as 'friend'. friend is the one where you can do everything together. not just a label

#5 I'm the luckiest one to have kiki, gita, and wyke as my besties. really

#6 sometimes, what you love is not the best one. and he/she is really bad for you. you just blind with it

#7 people is getting galau now hahahaha