heyyya there :) long time no updates, huh? sorry :)
my life is now about my Pesantren Ramadhan (can be called by my Ramadhan Class), my homeworkS *there's nothing done LOL, my organization, my facebook+twitter, and my (still) Coming Soon Project
Sorry I'm late for post this :p so the 1st of September 09 ago, me and my friends and my sunbae (senior) went for a "Buka Bareng (BuBar)" it's like a dinner but only held on Ramadhan. it's for breaking out fast *is the grammar true? DK huahahaha :D
all the photos taken by : my senior, kak Chika :)
another BuBar was with my best of besties, my JHS friends :) and also held in Hayam Wuruk Ayam Tulang Lunak *what a pathetic. eat at the same time at the same place T.T
long time no see them of course, I missed them so much!
the photos taken from : Naddyy's Facebook
yeah. what a great days it was :)